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OCO-2 News Articles

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March 3, 2025
Decline of the land carbon sink in 2023
In 2023, the hottest year on record, the amount of carbon absorbed by land sinks temporarily collapsed. >

Feb. 10, 2025
NASA Study Shows Crops, Forests Responding to Changing Rainfall Patterns
Earth’s rainy days are changing: They’re becoming less frequent, but more intense. A finer understanding of how plants are responding could help us better understand their role in absorbing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. >

Jan. 16, 2025
Monitoring urban carbon emissions at the global scale
As nations and cities continue to state their intentions to move towards becoming carbon-neutral, we want to be able to see it happen from space. Now we have a system to do so. >

July 7, 2024
Heatwaves and drought quelled La Niña's carbon storage benefits
In La Niña years, levels of CO2 usually don’t rise as much as they otherwise would. But in 2021, La Niña’s carbon storage effects were different. >

May 15, 2024
How "Glowing" Plants Could Help Scientists Predict Flash Drought
An unusual boost in plant productivity can foreshadow severe soil water loss. NASA satellites are following the clues. >

Jan. 11, 2024
Subways connect people with opportunity, and they slash carbon emissions in half
World Bank study uses OCO-2 measurements to help quantify beneficial impacts of subway systems >

March 7, 2023
NASA Space Mission Takes Stock of Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Countries
NASA Satellite Tracks Sources and Sinks for over 100 Countries >

Feb. 23, 2023
Earth’s CO2 battle: A view from space
A statistical framework developed by researchers at the University of Wollongong, Australia, is used with OCO-2 satellite data in order to determine where CO2 is emitted and absorbed across Earth’s surface. >

Jan. 9, 2023
NASA Space Missions Pinpoint Sources of CO2 Emissions on Earth
A case study involving Europe’s largest coal-fired power plant shows space-based observations can be used to track carbon dioxide emissions – and reductions – at the source. >

Dec. 15, 2022
Watching the Earth Breathe
Earth’s climate is changing. Carbon dioxide is driving it. The Orbiting Carbon Observatories are measuring it. From space. >

Dec. 8, 2022
Tracking CO2 emission reductions from space: A case study at Europe's largest fossil fuel power plant
A new study by Nassar and co-authors uses OCO-2 and OCO-3 observations to demonstrate spaceborne capability for tracking power plant emissions in close to real time. >

Sept. 16, 2022
National CO2 Budgets informed by atmospheric CO2 measurements
What are the emissions and removals of CO2 (carbon dioxide) for countries around the world? And how much do fossil fuel emissions, trade, and changing land carbon stocks contribute to these net fluxes? >

Aug. 31, 2022
Cozette Parker's unique path to an engineering job at JPL
I had been watching people at JPL doing what I felt was interesting work. It seemed hard, but I thought, “I’m not a stupid girl; I can go to college and learn how to do this stuff,” so that’s what I did. >

Aug. 4, 2022
NASA satellite captures rising carbon dioxide after major forest fires
Tom Pongetti once saw a tree explode. It was September 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic shuttered most on-site operations at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). At the same time, one of the most devastating fires ever to accost Los Angeles was wreaking havoc on the mountain slopes above JPL. >

July 12, 2022
How it started, how it's going: As a NASA satellite is built, a science community is built, too
It was a warm April day in 2003 when 22 scientists, squinting in the sun, lined up neatly on a pathway at Caltech. Vines draped over arches in the background. Everyone flashed a smile as the camera clicked. >

May 23, 2022
Career profile: Annmarie Eldering on leadership at JPL
Annmarie Eldering first came to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in 1999 for a summer fellowship, and stayed for over 20 years. Recently retired, she experienced the excitement, surprises, and stresses that come with leading the development of new satellites. >

May 16, 2022
How is climate change impacting shellfish in the ocean?
A NASA satellite managed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is measuring the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But things get tricky when that CO2 finds a place to hide. >

May 2, 2022
Career profile: David Crisp and international work at NASA-JPL
Julia Marshall met David Crisp during an earthquake. Both had been separately invited to a 2011 meeting in Japan by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), an hour's train ride away from Tokyo. Julia had bought her first business suit for the occasion, and was standing at the podium, dressed to impress. But as she began her talk, the building started shaking. >

April 14, 2022
Did the pandemic slow down climate change?
The global pandemic has been a difficult time, but you may have wondered: Have we at least put the brakes on climate change by staying home and not driving so much? Unfortunately, not. >

April 6, 2022
Cooperation, not Competition: The Making of a Space Sensor
When some people go hiking, it’s so they can escape to the “pleasure in the pathless woods” (as Lord Byron put it). But for a carbon cycle scientist, walking through a forest means they haven’t quite left their work behind. >

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