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OCO-2 News Articles

July 2, 2010
Scrubbing CO2 from Atmosphere Could Be a Long-Term Commitment
ScienceDaily (July 2, 2010) - With carbon dioxide in the atmosphere approaching alarming levels, even halting emissions altogether may not be enough to avert catastrophic climate change. >

June 24, 2010
Global warming? 97% of experts agree
A new study of climate scientists' opinions shows 97 percent agree that global warming is driven mainly by human activity - emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. >

June 23, 2010
Once more into the breach for Orbital Sciences and the carbon observatory
The Orbiting Carbon Observatory was meant to precisely measure carbon dioxide throughout Earth's atmosphere. >

May 24, 2010
New Plans Try to Revive Carbon Trading
BRUSSELS-Carbon trading was meant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union by making polluting more expensive for heavy industries, encouraging them to invest in cleaner technology. >

April 5, 2010
NASA slated to Receive Billions to Study Earth
NPR-NASA, the agency known for exploring space, will be spending a lot more time studying Earth in the next few years. >

Feb. 2, 2010
The 'New' NASA Will Look Back at Earth
NASA's new proposed budget will in part shift the space agency's focus... >

Dec. 8, 2009
Replacement satellite could play role in climate treaty
Spaceflight Now- NASA still has not received approval for a replacement... >

Dec. 3, 2009
What lies beneath
The planet's ability to absorb carbon dioxide is under investigation >

July 31, 2009
Scientists to NASA: We Need A Reliable Way to Track Global Emissions
From the WSJ (Wall Street Journal) Blogs: Environmental Capital-Daily analysis of the business of the environment by The Wall Street Journal >

July 17, 2009
NASA Releases Orbiting Carbon Observatory Accident Summary
PASADENA, Calif. - A NASA panel that investigated the unsuccessful Feb. 24 launch of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory, or OCO, has completed its report. >

April 22, 2009
Full Committee Hearing -Monitoring, Measurement and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions II: The Role of Federal and Academic Research and Monitoring Programs
Dr. Michael Freilich, Director for Earth Science Division, National Aeronautics and Space Administration testified on 4/22/09 which also happened to be a agency wide celebration of Earth Day. To read his witness testimony, please follow the link to the... >

April 15, 2009
NASA ponders "carbon copy" of crashed mission
Replica spacecraft for monitoring carbon dioxide could fly in a couple of years if money can be found. >

March 6, 2009
EARTH MONITORING: Loss of Carbon Observatory Highlights Gaps in Data
With rising temperatures altering a variety of ecological and weather systems on Earth, the current patchwork of sensors can't answer all the questions that scientists are asking. Land-based sensors have provided a conclusive picture of rising CO2 levels. >

March 4, 2009
CLIMATEWIRE: Aging climate satellites 'a real problem,' academy head tells Congress
Want to know how quickly climate change will warm the Earth or how fast sea levels will rise? Don't rely on a steady stream of data from the United States' aging stable of weather and climate satellites, the president of the National Academy.. >

March 3, 2009
WASHINGTON -- NASA has selected the members of the board that will investigate the unsuccessful launch of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory, or OCO, on Feb. 24. Rick Obenschain, deputy director at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md... >

Feb. 25, 2009
WASHINGTON -- NASA's Rick Obenschain, deputy director at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., will lead the investigation board for the unsuccessful launch of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory on Feb. 24. >

Feb. 24, 2009
OCO's Randy Pollock Shares his Thoughts After Launch
A few hours ago I had the privilege to watch the Orbiting Carbon Observatory launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base. The creativity, effort and dedication of many, many people were sitting on the launch pad. >

Feb. 20, 2009
Five Things About the Orbiting Carbon Observatory
Here are some quick facts about the Earth-orbiting satellite, scheduled to launch on Feb. 24, 2009. >

Feb. 20, 2009
Five Things About the Orbiting Carbon Observatory
Here are some quick facts about the Earth-orbiting satellite, scheduled to launch on Feb. 24, 2009. >

Feb. 12, 2009
NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory To Map Key Climate Change Variable
As the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) is readied for a Feb. 23 launch, the NASA team overseeing the program is emphasizing the enormous challenges the mission will face as the first spacecraft designed to create a detailed map of carbon dioxide concentrations around the globe. >

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