The OCO-2 L2 XCO2 Lite and SIF Lite products are posted on the GES DISC for global access.
These data have been produced by the OCO-2 project, and are provided freely to the public.
L2 XCO2 Lite and SIF Lite products from OCO-3 (sister mission to OCO-2) are also available at the GES DISC.
Helpful documentation to review before your start working with OCO-2 data are at OCO-2 Documents.
OCO-2 L2 Full Physics Code was open sourced and lives on Github - OCO-2 L2 Full Physics Code and the User's Guide for it is available at RT Retrieval Framework Users Guide documentation. Please note that Users of the code NEED the ABSCO tables, which are available at OCO-2 ABSCO Tables. To run the L2 code, users will need at least the L1B and Met products.
The OCO-2 mission provides the highest quality space-based XCO2 retrievals to date. However, the instrument data are characterized by large gaps in coverage due to OCO-2’s narrow 10-km ground track and an inability to see through clouds and thick aerosols. Global gridded Level 3 datasets have been produced using a data assimilation technique commonly referred to as state estimation within the geophysical literature. Data assimilation synthesizes simulations and observations, adjusting the state of atmospheric constituents like CO2 to reflect observed values, thus gap-filling observations when and where they are unavailable based on previous observations and short transport simulations by GEOS. Note that these Level 3 XCO2 products have been produced as a science team activity (rather than the OCO-2 project) and are not currently produced on an ongoing basis.
Daily and monthly gridded Level 3 XCO2 products (and documentation) for January 2015 to February 2022 can be accessed at GES DISC.
If you are interested in an OCO-2 L4 flux product, please visit: OCO-2 v10 MIP Flux Maps.
Global gridded, gap-filled Level 3 SIF datasets have also been produced by combining OCO-2 SIF with other datasets:
Global OCO-2 SIF (GOSIF): 8 day, 0.05 degree, 2001-2023
Continuous Solar Induced Fluorescence (CSIF): 4 day, 0.05 degree, 2001-2022
In order to improve our product and have continued support for this work, we need user feedback and user acknowledgement of data usage. Therefore, we request that when publishing using OCO-2 data, please acknowledge NASA and the OCO-2 project.
We are happy to hear your comments and questions – please email