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OCO-2 Publications

OCO-2 Publications between 2014 - December 31, 2024. See More >>

The following list compiles publications resulting from the OCO-2 mission, covering a wide range of topics, including spectroscopy, calibration, retrieval algorithm development, uncertainty quantification, top-down atmospheric inversion methodologies, solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence, carbon-climate interactions, point source and urban emission quantification, and various scientific and real-world applications. These publications either describe or utilize data products derived from the OCO-2 mission. Those data products include Level 1B (radiance) to Level 4 produced by both the project team and the broader scientific community. If you have any questions, please contact our Science Team Lead, Junjie Liu.

Publication Search

Brynjarsdottir, J., J. Hobbs, A. Braverman, and L. Mandrake
Optimal Estimation Versus MCMC for CO2 Retrievals JABES, 23, 2
Chevallier, F., and F.-M. Bréon
Comment Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113, 521
Chylek, P., P. Tans, J. Christy, and M. K. Dubey
The carbon cycle response to two El Nino types: an observational study Environ. Res. Lett., 13, 2
Basu, S., D. F. Baker, F. Chevallier, P. K. Patra, J. Liu, and J. B. Miller
The impact of transport model differences on CO2 surface flux estimates from OCO-2 retrievals of column average CO2 Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 10
Jacquemart, D., K. Sung, M. Coleman, T. Crawford, L. R. Brown, A. W. Mantz, and M. A. Smith
Measurements and modeling of 16O12C17O spectroscopic parameters at 2 µm Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 203
Miller, S.M., and A. M. Michalak
Constraining sector-specific CO2 and CH4 emissions in the US Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 6
Eldering, A., C. W. O'Dell, P. O. Wennberg, D. Crisp, M. R. Gunson, C. Viatte, C. Avis, A. Braverman, R. Castano, A. Chang, L. Chapsky, C. Cheng, B. Connor, L. Dang, G. Doran, B. Fisher, C. Frankenberg, D. Fu, R. Granat, J. Hobbs, R. A. Lee, L. Mandrake, J. McDuffie, C. E. Miller, V. Myers, V. Natraj, D. O'Brien, G. B. Osterman, F. Oyafuso, V. H. Payne, H. R. Pollock, I. Polonsky, C. M. Roehl, R. Rosenberg, F. Schwandner, M. Smyth, V. Tang, T. E. Taylor, C. To, D. Wunch, and J. Yoshimizu
The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2: first 18 months of science data products Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 2
Crisp, D., H. R. Pollock, R. Rosenberg, L. Chapsky, R. A. Lee, F. A. Oyafuso, C. Frankenberg, C. W. O'Dell, C. J. Bruegge, G. B. Doran, A. Eldering, B. M. Fisher, D. Fu, M. R. Gunson, L. Mandrake, G. B. Osterman, F. M. Schwandner, K. Sun, T. E. Taylor, P. O. Wennberg, and D. Wunch
The on-orbit performance of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) instrument and its radiometrically calibrated products Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 1
Reuter, M., M. Buchwitz, O. Schneising, S. Noël, H. Bovensmann, and J. Burrows
A Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral Instruments Approximating Multiple Scattering—Part 2: Application to XCO2 Retrievals from OCO-2 Remote Sensing, 9, 11
Wood, J.D., T. J. Griffis, J. M. Baker, C. Frankenberg, M. Verma, and K. Yuen
Multiscale analyses of solar‐induced florescence and gross primary production Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 1
Rosenberg, R., S. Maxwell, B. C. Johnson, L. Chapsky, R. A. Lee, and R. Pollock
Preflight Radiometric Calibration of Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 55, 4
Hedelius, J.K., H. Parker, D. Wunch, C. M. Roehl, C. Viatte, S. Newman, G. C. Toon, J. R. Podolske, P. W. Hillyard, L. T. Iraci, M. K. Dubey, and P. O. Wennberg
Intercomparability of XCO2 and XCH4 from the United States TCCON sites Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 4
Drouin, B.J., D. C. Benner, L. R. Brown, M. J. Cich, T. J. Crawford, V. M. Devi, A. Guillaume, J. T. Hodges, E. J. Mlawer, D. J. Robichaud, F. Oyafuso, V. H. Payne, K. Sung, E. H. Wishnow, and S. Yu
Multispectrum analysis of the oxygen A-band Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 186
Zeng, Z.-C., Q. Zhang, V. Natraj, J. S. Margolis, R.-L. Shia, S. Newman, D. Fu, T. J. Pongetti, K. W. Wong, S. P. Sander, P. O. Wennberg, and Y. L. Yung
Aerosol scattering effects on water vapor retrievals over the Los Angeles Basin Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 4
Zhang, B., N. Cressie, and D. Wunch
Statistical properties of atmospheric greenhouse gas measurements: Looking down from space and looking up from the ground Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 162
Zhang, L.L., T. X. Yue, J. P. Wilson, N. Zhao, Y. P. Zhao, Z. P. Du, and Y. Liu
A comparison of satellite observations with the XCO 2 surface obtained by fusing TCCON measurements and GEOS-Chem model outputs Science of The Total Environment, 601-602
Wang, W., Y. Tian, C. Liu, Y. Sun, W. Liu, P. Xie, J. Liu, J. Xu, I. Morino, V. A. Velazco, D. W. Griffith, J. Notholt, and T. Warneke
Investigating the performance of a greenhouse gas observatory in Hefei, China Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 7
Worden, J.R., G. Doran, S. Kulawik, A. Eldering, D. Crisp, C. Frankenberg, C. O'Dell, and K. Bowman
Evaluation and attribution of OCO-2 XCO2 uncertainties Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 7
Wunch, D., P. O. Wennberg, G. Osterman, B. Fisher, B. Naylor, C. M. Roehl, C. O'Dell, L. Mandrake, C. Viatte, M. Kiel, D. W. Griffith, N. M. Deutscher, V. A. Velazco, J. Notholt, T. Warneke, C. Petri, M. de Mazière, M. K. Sha, R. Sussmann, M. Rettinger, D. Pollard, J. Robinson, I. Morino, O. Uchino, F. Hase, T. Blumenstock, D. G. Feist, S. G. Arnold, K. Strong, J. Mendonca, R. Kivi, P. Heikkinen, L. Iraci, J. Podolske, P. W. Hillyard, S. Kawakami, M. K. Dubey, H. A. Parker, E. Sepulveda, O. E. García, Y. Te, P. Jeseck, M. R. Gunson, D. Crisp, and A. Eldering
Comparisons of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) XCO2 measurements with TCCON Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 6
Sun, K., X. Liu, C. R. Nowlan, Z. Cai, K. Chance, C. Frankenberg, R. A. Lee, R. Pollock, R. Rosenberg, and D. Crisp
Characterization of the OCO-2 instrument line shape functions using on-orbit solar measurements Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 3
Velazco, V., I. Morino, O. Uchino, A. Hori, M. Kiel, B. Bukosa, N. Deutscher, T. Sakai, T. Nagai, G. Bagtasa, T. Izumi, Y. Yoshida, and D. Griffith
TCCON Philippines: First Measurement Results, Satellite Data and Model Comparisons in Southeast Asia Remote Sensing, 9, 12
Verma, M., D. Schimel, B. Evans, C. Frankenberg, J. Beringer, D. T. Drewry, T. Magney, I. Marang, L. Hutley, C. Moore, and A. Eldering
Effect of environmental conditions on the relationship between solar‐induced fluorescence and gross primary productivity at an OzFlux grassland site J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 122, 3
Schwandner, F.M., M. R. Gunson, C. E. Miller, S. A. Carn, A. Eldering, T. Krings, K. R. Verhulst, D. S. Schimel, H. M. Nguyen, D. Crisp, C. W. O’Dell, G. B. Osterman, L. T. Iraci, and J. R. Podolske
Spaceborne detection of localized carbon dioxide sources Science, 358, 6360
Somkuti, P., H. Boesch, V. Natraj, and P. Kopparla
Application of a PCA-Based Fast Radiative Transfer Model to XCO2 Retrievals in the Shortwave Infrared J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 19
Sun, Y., C. Frankenberg, J. D. Wood, D. S. Schimel, M. Jung, L. Guanter, D. T. Drewry, M. Verma, A. Porcar-Castell, T. J. Griffis, L. Gu, T. S. Magney, P. Köhler, B. Evans, and K. Yuen
OCO-2 advances photosynthesis observation from space via solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence Science, 358, 6360
Reuter, M., M. Buchwitz, O. Schneising, S. Noël, V. Rozanov, H. Bovensmann, and J. Burrows
A Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral Instruments Approximating Multiple Scattering—Part 1: Radiative Transfer and a Potential OCO-2 XCO2 Retrieval Setup Remote Sensing, 9, 11
Reuter, M., M. Buchwitz, M. Hilker, J. Heymann, H. Bovensmann, J. P. Burrows, S. Houweling, Y. Y. Liu, R. Nassar, F. Chevallier, P. Ciais, J. Marshall, and M. Reichstein
How Much CO2 Is Taken Up by the European Terrestrial Biosphere? Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, 4
Richardson, M., J. McDuffie, G. L. Stephens, H. Q. Cronk, and T. E. Taylor
The OCO-2 oxygen A-band response to liquid marine cloud properties from CALIPSO and MODIS J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 15
Oyafuso, F., V. H. Payne, B. J. Drouin, V. M. Devi, D. C. Benner, K. Sung, S. Yu, I. E. Gordon, R. Kochanov, Y. Tan, D. Crisp, E. J. Mlawer, and A. Guillaume
High accuracy absorption coefficients for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) mission: Validation of updated carbon dioxide cross-sections using atmospheric spectra Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 203
Patra, P.K., D. Crisp, J. W. Kaiser, D. Wunch, T. Saeki, K. Ichii, T. Sekiya, P. O. Wennberg, D. G. Feist, D. F. Pollard, D. W. Griffith, V. A. Velazco, M. de Mazière, M. K. Sha, C. Roehl, A. Chatterjee, and K. Ishijima
The Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2) tracks 2–3 peta-gram increase in carbon release to the atmosphere during the 2014–2016 El Niño Sci Rep, 7, 1, 13567
Michalak, A.M., N. A. Randazzo, and F. Chevallier
Diagnostic methods for atmospheric inversions of long-lived greenhouse gases Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 12
Nassar, R., T. G. Hill, C. A. McLinden, D. Wunch, D. B. Jones, and D. Crisp
Quantifying CO 2 Emissions From Individual Power Plants From Space Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 19
Nguyen, H., N. Cressie, and A. Braverman
Multivariate Spatial Data Fusion for Very Large Remote Sensing Datasets Remote Sensing, 9, 2
Odintsova, T.A., E. Fasci, L. Moretti, E. J. Zak, O. L. Polyansky, J. Tennyson, L. Gianfrani, and A. Castrillo
Highly accurate intensity factors of pure CO2 lines near 2 μm The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146, 24
Liu, J., K. W. Bowman, D. S. Schimel, N. C. Parazoo, Z. Jiang, M. Lee, A. A. Bloom, D. Wunch, C. Frankenberg, Y. Sun, C. W. O’Dell, K. R. Gurney, D. Menemenlis, M. Gierach, D. Crisp, and A. Eldering
Contrasting carbon cycle responses of the tropical continents to the 2015–2016 El Niño Science, 358, 6360
Luus, K.A., R. Commane, N. C. Parazoo, J. Benmergui, E. S. Euskirchen, C. Frankenberg, J. Joiner, J. Lindaas, C. E. Miller, W. C. Oechel, D. Zona, S. Wofsy, and J. C. Lin
Tundra photosynthesis captured by satellite‐observed solar‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 3
Massie, S.T., K. Sebastian Schmidt, A. Eldering, and D. Crisp
Observational evidence of 3-D cloud effects in OCO-2 CO2 retrievals J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 13
Hobbs, J., A. Braverman, N. Cressie, R. Granat, and M. Gunson
Simulation-Based Uncertainty Quantification for Estimating Atmospheric CO$_2$ from Satellite Data SIAM/ASA J. Uncertainty Quantification, 5, 1
Kataoka, F., D. Crisp, T. Taylor, C. O’Dell, A. Kuze, K. Shiomi, H. Suto, C. Bruegge, F. Schwandner, R. Rosenberg, L. Chapsky, and R. Lee
The Cross-Calibration of Spectral Radiances and Cross-Validation of CO2 Estimates from GOSAT and OCO-2 Remote Sensing, 9, 11
Lee, R.A., C. W. O'Dell, D. Wunch, C. M. Roehl, G. B. Osterman, J.-F. Blavier, R. Rosenberg, L. Chapsky, C. Frankenberg, S. L. Hunyadi-Lay, B. M. Fisher, D. M. Rider, D. Crisp, and R. Pollock
Preflight Spectral Calibration of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 55, 5
Liang, A., G. Han, W. Gong, J. Yang, and C. Xiang
Comparison of Global XCO2 Concentrations From OCO-2 With TCCON Data in Terms of Latitude Zones IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Observations Remote Sensing, 10, 6
Han, G., X. Ma, A. Liang, T. Zhang, Y. Zhao, M. Zhang, and W. Gong
Performance Evaluation for China’s Planned CO2-IPDA Remote Sensing, 9, 8
Hedelius, J.K., S. Feng, C. M. Roehl, D. Wunch, P. W. Hillyard, J. R. Podolske, L. T. Iraci, R. Patarasuk, P. Rao, D. O'Keeffe, K. R. Gurney, T. Lauvaux, and P. O. Wennberg
Emissions and topographic effects on column CO 2 () variations, with a focus on the Southern California Megacity J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 13
Heymann, J., M. Reuter, M. Buchwitz, O. Schneising, H. Bovensmann, J. P. Burrows, S. Massart, J. W. Kaiser, and D. Crisp
CO2 emission of Indonesian fires in 2015 estimated from satellite-derived atmospheric CO2 concentrations Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 3
Chatterjee, A., M. M. Gierach, A. J. Sutton, R. A. Feely, D. Crisp, A. Eldering, M. R. Gunson, C. W. O'Dell, B. B. Stephens, and D. S. Schimel
Influence of El Nino on atmospheric CO2 over the tropical Pacific Ocean: Findings from NASA's OCO-2 mission Science, 358, 6360
Chevallier, F., G. Broquet, C. Pierangelo, and D. Crisp
Probabilistic global maps of the CO 2 column at daily and monthly scales from sparse satellite measurements J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 14
Eldering, A., P. O. Wennberg, D. Crisp, D. S. Schimel, M. R. Gunson, A. Chatterjee, J. Liu, F. M. Schwandner, Y. Sun, C. W. O’Dell, C. Frankenberg, T. Taylor, B. Fisher, G. B. Osterman, D. Wunch, J. Hakkarainen, J. Tamminen, and B. Weir
The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 early science investigations of regional carbon dioxide fluxes Science, 358, 6360
Fischer, M.L., N. Parazoo, K. Brophy, X. Cui, S. Jeong, J. Liu, R. Keeling, T. E. Taylor, K. Gurney, T. Oda, and H. Graven
Simulating estimation of California fossil fuel and biosphere carbon dioxide exchanges combining in situ tower and satellite column observations J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 6
Byrne, B., D. B. Jones, K. Strong, Z.-C. Zeng, F. Deng, and J. Liu
Sensitivity of CO2 surface flux constraints to observational coverage J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 12
Bowman, K.W., J. Liu, A. A. Bloom, N. C. Parazoo, M. Lee, Z. Jiang, D. Menemenlis, M. M. Gierach, G. J. Collatz, K. R. Gurney, and D. Wunch
Global and Brazilian Carbon Response to El Niño Modoki 2011-2010 Earth and Space Science, 4, 10
Yin, Y., P. Ciais, F. Chevallier, G. R. van der Werf, T. Fanin, G. Broquet, H. Boesch, A. Cozic, D. Hauglustaine, S. Szopa, and Y. Wang
Variability of fire carbon emissions in equatorial Asia and its nonlinear sensitivity to El Niño Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 19
Putman, W.M., L. Ott, A. Darmenov, and A. daSilva
A global perspective of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations Parallel Computing, 55
Connor, B., H. Bösch, J. McDuffie, T. Taylor, D. Fu, C. Frankenberg, C. O'Dell, V. H. Payne, M. Gunson, R. Pollock, J. Hobbs, F. Oyafuso, and Y. Jiang
Quantification of uncertainties in OCO-2 measurements of XCO2: simulations and linear error analysis Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 10
Taylor, T.E., C. W. O'Dell, C. Frankenberg, P. T. Partain, H. Q. Cronk, A. Savtchenko, R. R. Nelson, E. J. Rosenthal, A. Y. Chang, B. Fisher, G. B. Osterman, R. H. Pollock, D. Crisp, A. Eldering, and M. R. Gunson
Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) cloud screening algorithms: validation against collocated MODIS and CALIOP data Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3
Devi, V.M., D. C. Benner, K. Sung, L. R. Brown, T. J. Crawford, C. E. Miller, B. J. Drouin, V. H. Payne, S. Yu, M. A. Smith, A. W. Mantz, and R. R. Gamache
Line parameters including temperature dependences of self- and air-broadened line shapes of 12C16O2: 1.6-μm region Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 177
Zhang, Q., R. Shia, S. P. Sander, and Y. L. Yung
XCO2 retrieval error over deserts near critical surface albedo Earth and Space Science, 3, 2
Nelson, R.R., C. W. O'Dell, T. E. Taylor, L. Mandrake, and M. Smyth
The potential of clear-sky carbon dioxide satellite retrievals Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 4
Nelson, R.R., D. Crisp, L. E. Ott, and C. W. O'Dell
High-accuracy measurements of total column water vapor from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 23
Hakkarainen, J., I. Ialongo, and J. Tamminen
Direct space-based observations of anthropogenic CO2 emission areas from OCO-2 Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 21
Jiang, X., D. Crisp, E. T. Olsen, S. S. Kulawik, C. E. Miller, T. S. Pagano, M. Liang, and Y. L. Yung
CO2 annual and semiannual cycles from multiple satellite retrievals and models Earth and Space Science, 3, 2
Julitta, T., L. Corp, M. Rossini, A. Burkart, S. Cogliati, N. Davies, M. Hom, A. Mac Arthur, E. Middleton, U. Rascher, A. Schickling, and R. Colombo
Comparison of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Estimates Obtained from Four Portable Field Spectroradiometers Remote Sensing, 8, 2
Deng, F., D. B. Jones, C. W. O'Dell, R. Nassar, and N. C. Parazoo
Combining GOSAT X CO2 observations over land and ocean to improve regional CO2 flux estimates J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 4
Frankenberg, C., D. Drewry, S. Geier, M. Verma, P. Lawson, J. Stutz, and K. Grossmann
Remote sensing of solar induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence from satellites, airplanes and ground-based stations 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 186
Benner, D.C., V. M. Devi, K. Sung, L. R. Brown, C. E. Miller, V. H. Payne, B. J. Drouin, S. Yu, T. J. Crawford, A. W. Mantz, M. A. Smith, and R. R. Gamache
Line parameters including temperature dependences of air- and self-broadened line shapes of 12C16O2: 2.06-μm region Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 326
Chen, J., C. Viatte, J. K. Hedelius, T. Jones, J. E. Franklin, H. Parker, E. W. Gottlieb, P. O. Wennberg, M. K. Dubey, and S. C. Wofsy
Differential column measurements using compact solar-tracking spectrometers Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 13
Cressie, N., R. Wang, M. Smyth, and C. E. Miller
Statistical bias and variance for the regularized inverse problem: Application to space-based atmospheric CO2 retrievals J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 10
Merrelli, A., R. Bennartz, C. W. O'Dell, and T. E. Taylor
Estimating bias in the OCO-2 retrieval algorithm caused by 3-D radiation scattering from unresolved boundary layer clouds Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 4
Frankenberg, C., R. Pollock, R. A. Lee, R. Rosenberg, J.-F. Blavier, D. Crisp, C. W. O'Dell, G. B. Osterman, C. Roehl, P. O. Wennberg, and D. Wunch
The Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2): spectrometer performance evaluation using pre-launch direct sun measurements Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 1
Liu, J., K. W. Bowman, M. Lee, D. K. Henze, N. Bousserez, H. Brix, G. James Collatz, D. Menemenlis, L. Ott, S. Pawson, D. Jones, and R. Nassar
Carbon monitoring system flux estimation and attribution: impact of ACOS-GOSAT XCO2 sampling on the inference of terrestrial biospheric sources and sinks Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 66, 1
Lulla, K., M. Duane Nellis, and B. Rundquist
Earth's climate is the focus of NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory Geocarto International, 29, 7
Wei, J., A. Savtchenko, B. Vollmer, T. Hearty, A. Albayrak, D. Crisp, and A. Eldering
Advances in CO2 Observations From AIRS and ACOS IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett., 11, 5
Galli, A., S. Guerlet, A. Butz, I. Aben, H. Suto, A. Kuze, N. M. Deutscher, J. Notholt, D. Wunch, P. O. Wennberg, D. W. Griffith, O. Hasekamp, and J. Landgraf
The impact of spectral resolution on satellite retrieval accuracy of CO2 and CH4 Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 4
Dils, B., M. Buchwitz, M. Reuter, O. Schneising, H. Boesch, R. Parker, S. Guerlet, I. Aben, T. Blumenstock, J. P. Burrows, A. Butz, N. M. Deutscher, C. Frankenberg, F. Hase, O. P. Hasekamp, J. Heymann, M. de Mazière, J. Notholt, R. Sussmann, T. Warneke, D. Griffith, V. Sherlock, and D. Wunch
The Greenhouse Gas Climate Change Initiative (GHG-CCI): comparative validation of GHG-CCI SCIAMACHY/ENVISAT and TANSO-FTS/GOSAT CO2 and CH4 retrieval algorithm products with measurements from the TCCON Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 6
Kuze, A., T. E. Taylor, F. Kataoka, C. J. Bruegge, D. Crisp, M. Harada, M. Helmlinger, M. Inoue, S. Kawakami, N. Kikuchi, Y. Mitomi, J. Murooka, M. Naitoh, D. M. O'Brien, C. W. O'Dell, H. Ohyama, H. Pollock, F. M. Schwandner, K. Shiomi, H. Suto, T. Takeda, T. Tanaka, T. Urabe, T. Yokota, and Y. Yoshida
Long-Term Vicarious Calibration of GOSAT Short-Wave Sensors: Techniques for Error Reduction and New Estimates of Radiometric Degradation Factors IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 52, 7
Frankenberg, C., C. O'Dell, J. Berry, L. Guanter, J. Joiner, P. Köhler, R. Pollock, and T. E. Taylor
Prospects for chlorophyll fluorescence remote sensing from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Remote Sensing of Environment, 147
Oshchepkov, S., A. Bril, T. Yokota, P. O. Wennberg, N. M. Deutscher, D. Wunch, G. C. Toon, Y. Yoshida, C. W. O'Dell, D. Crisp, C. E. Miller, C. Frankenberg, A. Butz, I. Aben, S. Guerlet, O. Hasekamp, H. Boesch, A. Cogan, R. Parker, D. Griffith, R. Macatangay, J. Notholt, R. Sussmann, M. Rettinger, V. Sherlock, J. Robinson, E. Kyrö, P. Heikkinen, D. G. Feist, I. Morino, N. Kadygrov, D. Belikov, S. Maksyutov, T. Matsunaga, O. Uchino, and H. Watanabe
Effects of atmospheric light scattering on spectroscopic observations of greenhouse gases from space. Part 2: Algorithm intercomparison in the GOSAT data processing for CO2 retrievals over TCCON sites J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 3
Wang, X.P., J. Wang, P. Yu, X. D. Qi, X. F. Li, and Y. Wang
The Research of High Reliability Secondary Power on Orbiting Carbon Observatory AMR, 712-715
Mandrake, L., C. Frankenberg, C. W. O'Dell, G. Osterman, P. Wennberg, and D. Wunch
Semi-autonomous sounding selection for OCO-2 Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 10
O'Dell, C.W., B. Connor, H. Bösch, D. O'Brien, C. Frankenberg, R. Castano, M. Christi, D. Eldering, B. Fisher, M. Gunson, J. McDuffie, C. E. Miller, V. Natraj, F. Oyafuso, I. Polonsky, M. Smyth, T. Taylor, G. C. Toon, P. O. Wennberg, and D. Wunch
The ACOS CO2 retrieval algorithm – Part 1: Description and validation against synthetic observations Atmos. Meas. Tech., 5, 1
Taylor, T.E., C. W. O'Dell, D. M. O'Brien, N. Kikuchi, T. Yokota, T. Y. Nakajima, H. Ishida, D. Crisp, and T. Nakajima
Comparison of Cloud-Screening Methods Applied to GOSAT Near-Infrared Spectra IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 50, 1
Thompson, D.R., D. Chris Benner, L. R. Brown, D. Crisp, V. Malathy Devi, Y. Jiang, V. Natraj, F. Oyafuso, K. Sung, D. Wunch, R. Castano, and C. E. Miller
Atmospheric validation of high accuracy CO2 absorption coefficients for the OCO-2 mission Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 113, 17
Crisp, D., B. M. Fisher, C. O'Dell, C. Frankenberg, R. Basilio, H. Bösch, L. R. Brown, R. Castano, B. Connor, N. M. Deutscher, A. Eldering, D. Griffith, M. Gunson, A. Kuze, L. Mandrake, J. McDuffie, J. Messerschmidt, C. E. Miller, I. Morino, V. Natraj, J. Notholt, D. M. O'Brien, F. Oyafuso, I. Polonsky, J. Robinson, R. Salawitch, V. Sherlock, M. Smyth, H. Suto, T. E. Taylor, D. R. Thompson, P. O. Wennberg, D. Wunch, and Y. L. Yung
The ACOS CO2 retrieval algorithm – Part II: Global XCO2 data characterization Atmos. Meas. Tech., 5, 4
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